From Europe to Thailand via LinkedIn

I have been inspired by the stories of people finding a better life away from home. I was hoping I can attempt the same and explore life outside of Europe while working overseas.

Road trip during Workaway through United States and Canada

Continuing Workaway in the United States and Canada was a tempting longer term alternative. However the most appropriate plan was to start moving forward in my career more conscientiously. To grow up and fulfill my potential.

I was ready to be honest about what I needed to learn, started working harder, seeked out more responsibilities. I continued improving my existing skills in Front-End development and product delivery. Over the years I started to engage in Product Management to eventually lead a team and develop a product together.

I also tried to comply with the competitive job market by uploading a professional profile to LinkedIn and shortly after hiring agents began to contact me about opportunities across Europe and overseas.

Our team releasing License Statistics at X-Formation, Kraków

Eventually Agoda reached out to me about a Web Performance Engineer position in Bangkok. It was a great honor and a very exciting opportunity. I entered the first round of Skype call with confidence and a peace of mind, that turned out to be a key ingredient to a successful job interview.

Visting Wat Pho after the fly-in interview at Agoda, Bangkok

Shortly after I got the invitation to fly in to the Bangkok office and continue with face-to-face interviews with managers and future colleagues. It was a wonderful experience and all expenses were paid by Agoda.

The interviews were well organized and everything went well. I gave my best and I appreciated the people I have met there during my short stay.

It turned out to a be successful journey and I got my first job overseas.



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